Funeral homes in Okmulgee, OK , are one of the first places you turn to after you have experienced a loss. If you're choosing a traditional burial, you will need to purchase a casket, vault liner, headstone, and plot to complete the process. Picking a plot doesn't have to be a complicated experience, so here's more information on them to help you with the process.
There are four main kinds of plots that you can purchase, including:
The single plot is the most common type that you will find in a cemetery. These are designed to fit one casket and can be one of the more affordable and straightforward options.
The next option is called a family plot, and this consists of the family purchasing a specific section within a cemetery. The area will usually have a large headstone or marker engraved with the family name, and this will be followed up with a row of single plots laid side by side with individual markers.
It's not uncommon for individuals to want to be buried together if they are a couple; a companion plot is a suitable option for this situation. These will either have the caskets placed side by side or another option called double depth, where the caskets are stacked on top of one another. The double depth may be more affordable for some properties than side-by-side due to the outer burial area only needing one space.
If an individual that's been cremated wishes to be buried in a specific plot, this can also be accomplished. In most cases, the plot is the same size as a standard casket, so if multiple people want to be buried together in their urns, this can be one of the more affordable options.
The cost will vary depending on a few factors, and the average cost for a space in a public cemetery will range between $200 and $2000. This will also depend on if it is a rural area or an urban area where the property is located. Burial in a private cemetery can range between $2000 and up to $25,000, depending on how densely populated the location is.
Purchasing a plot for our cremated remains in a public cemetery will cost between $350 and $500, and in a private cemetery, it can range between $1000 and $2500.
Some additional fees can come with this, including the Interment fees, which can vary between $350.00 and go up to $3000 depending on the cemetery's location and if it's public or private. There's also a burial permit that will need to be purchased, which is around $20.
Purchasing the plot doesn't have to be a complicated process, and if you have begun reaching out to funeral homes in Okmulgee, OK, we would love to help you through the steps. We are a family-owned and operated company that takes great pride in serving all cultures and faiths with exceptional care so contact us today for an appointment.