Cremation services in Glenpool, OK , is a tradition that dates back thousands of years and has been used as a way to truly honor an individual after they have passed away. If you have recently lost someone or are starting to preplan, you may be considering utilizing cremation as an option, but without the correct information, you won't know if you are making the proper decision, so here's more on this event.
Several steps go into getting the process completed, and it starts once the individual has passed away and they are brought to the facility. The deceased will need to be identified traditionally by a family member; an ID tag is placed on the individual's body, and paperwork will need to be filled out to authorize the process to start. Each state has its own set of rules, so take this into consideration, and the paperwork will help give information on the type of container that needs to be used and who is responsible for getting the remains.
The individual's body will then be prepared, and this will generally include cleaning and dressing the deceased. There will not be an embalming process in most situations unless there is a viewing before the cremation. If the loved one had any medical devices or prosthetics, those would be removed, and anything that's battery-operated will also be taken out before the cremation. If the individual had any jewelry on them, this would also be removed unless it has been requested to stay with them through the process.
The deceased is then placed into a strong enough vessel to hold their weight while simultaneously being combustible, and the internal temperature of the chambers can reach up to 1800 degrees. The process takes between two and three hours unless it's a liquid cremation which can take up to 16. For the traditional method, after the incineration is completed, the remains will be left to cool, and any metal fragments will be taken for recycling.
The remains are put into a machine that will break them down, then they will be placed in a plastic bag and returned to the family for safekeeping.
Depending on the company you are working with, cremation will cost between $1000 and up to $8000. You're also going to need to consider purchasing a vessel or urn unless you are doing a scattering or burial ceremony for the loved one. The urns will all vary in price and size, so consider this when placing your order.
As you can see, cremation services in Glenpool, OK, has many steps to it, but when you are working with a qualified company, you don't have to worry about the process being done honorably. It takes experience and skill to understand how to create a truly memorable event, and we are here to help you through the process. We have a commitment to excellence and understand the importance of honoring all cultures and faiths, so contact us today for an appointment.