Cremation services in Okmulgee, OK , it's a common option that individuals will choose that's been used for thousands of years to help truly honor a person after they pass away. In some cases, the individuals may need to transport the remains to a destination, so we have gathered some extra information to help make the process easier when flying.
Because traveling with cremated remains is not an uncommon practice, most airlines will allow you to transport them via air. One of the main things you need to do is check with the airline before you go to understand their rules and regulations because the remains will need to be determined if they're going to be carried as air cargo, a carry-on, or checked luggage.
The first thing you should do is go to the website for the airline and type in the search bar" cremated remains." You want to make sure you do this at least a week in advance because the airline may need some notice to get all the appropriate paperwork processed and prevent delays in your trip.
You also want to look at the TSA because they have their own set of requirements, and one of the main ones is to ensure that the urn or vessel is scannable. The type of material you choose will make a difference, and it's recommended to pick plastic, cloth, cardboard, fiberboard, or even wood to prevent having an opaque image while going through security.
It's also recommended to attach any documentation to the urn, including the cremation and death certificate and any other funeral-related documents required.
In addition to all of this, it can also be helpful to check with a funeral director at the destination you are traveling to see if any regulations need to be considered for the area.
If you're traveling internationally, it can be a little bit more complex because every country can have different regulations and policies that need to be followed. One of the main ways to ensure that you are getting the correct information is to contact the embassy and ask about their requirements.
It's also advised to speak to someone over the phone or via email and not rely on a website because policies can change quickly. You may also want to contact a funeral director or an attorney in the country to ensure that you are following all the laws in place at least two weeks in advance.
Traveling with the remains after the  cremation services in Okmulgee, OK, doesn't have to be a complex process when you take the proper steps, and if you need help with planning, we are here for you. We are locally owned, and family operated and offer transparent pricing. We are committed to providing compassion for our clients add work hard to create a truly memorable event so contact us today for an appointment.