After a loved one passes away and the  cremation services in Jenks, OK , are completed, the family may want to scatter the individual's remains. But if you have never been through the experience before and need some suggestions on locations to have the ceremony. This article will highlight different areas that individuals use to do a traditional scattering, so keep reading for more information.
Individuals have experiences that are life-changing in specific locations. Whether it is attending college, getting engaged, or being part of a celebration, this can be an excellent option for a scattering spot that is meaningful. To enhance this experience, you could consider reading a eulogy as the ashes are scattered into the wind.
Vacations are a common practice that individuals have to help offer a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. So, if your loved one had an area that they liked to visit, this could be another great option as a scattering location. Combining the scattering with a release of paper lanterns can create a memorable experience for everyone involved.
Some people spend most of their lives working or playing around the water. So, if your loved one was an avid fisherman or someone who had an occupation with the water, you may consider this as a ceremony location. You could enhance this experience by creating and releasing paper boats with the ashes inside of them or releasing flower petals simultaneously as the cremated remains.
In most cases, people will have an area or property that they enjoyed throughout their life. This could be a childhood home or the house they chose to retire in and could be considered a great option to utilize. Combining this with playing a loved one's favorite music could create a significant experience for the ceremony.
There are many places that people want to visit but may never get the opportunity to go to, so why not use this as a scattering location? If your loved one had a specific area they always wanted to visit, doing the ceremony, there might be a way of fulfilling their last wish, and you may find a new location that you want to revisit.
The last recommendation in this list is to choose a place outdoors that the individual was fond of. This could be a favorite park, hiking trail, or even a garden they nurtured and cared for. You could also combine some of their ashes with concrete or plastic to create a set of steppingstones or statues and incorporate them into the area to commemorate them.
Cremation services in Jenks, OK, are a great way to send off your loved ones after they have passed away, and if you need help planning the services , we would love to assist you. We are a family-owned company that believes in providing the highest commitment to our clients with transparent pricing and compassionate care they can count on, so contact us today for an appointment.